Thanks for joining MOTION on this journey into designing for the future. If you have followed all the videos and steps, you will now have your visionary concept. Your vision can be a holistic view of the business in the future or a concept for products or services to serve customers in the future. How do you make it real?
The answer is to start building a plan to help realize your visionary concept and then follow those steps. Steps towards the vision will show the concrete actions required to move in the right direction towards reaching your imagined future.

Answer the following questions and estimate the time it might take for things to happen in reality.
- What is your visionary concept?
- Do you currently have the resources and know-how needed to deliver the concept?
- What decisions do you have to take to deliver the visionary concept?
- What investment is needed to deliver the visionary concept?
- What partners are needed to deliver the visionary concept?
- For each step make an action plan listing: what the actions are, who will complete each action, when the action will be completed
You should be able to estimate the time needed to realize your vision.
Go out and make it happen! This final section of Futures Thinking (video duration 2:39) will help you to concretize the future vision into the steps towards future. Thank you for following all the sections. Remember that there is much more material, including toolkits in the Extra material and Toolkit modules.