Melilla Campus (University of Granada). October 5th, 2022.

The goal of this Scenarios Workshop was to create a dialogue among students and tourism companies around significant tourism matters.

A group of students from the University of Granada designed four different scenarios based on two Driving Forces: Sustainability and Personalization. This participatory method was used to gather knowledge about the participants’ understandings and visions of tourism topics, by looking into their attitudes towards the defined scenarios.

The students were divided into three groups, in each group there was an expert from the tourism sector: the Executive Director of Glutify, the Director of the Federico García Lorca Center and the Commercial Director of F.A.T. Incoming Agentur Spanien. The students and experts from each group analysed the current situation of each company. In addition, they discussed with the experts what each organization could do in response to how each scenario might play out in the future. Together they created value by broadening strategic thinking and developing sound strategies for possible futures based on aspects such as social sustainability, ecological sustainability and economic sustainability. Finally, a  technician from the Planning and Development Department of the Provincial Tourism Board of Granada offered the perspective of the public body on the different strategies discussed.

To sum up, MOTION project allowed the students have the direct opportunity to exchange and discuss their views and make recommendations regarding the current affairs with the experts. As a result, this workshop raised the awareness of future problems and the teamwork was stimulated in coming up with solutions.