The city is sparklingly beautiful with bright Christmas decorations. After a long workday in the classroom, the students got to see the city when they went out to eat.

The project is working with local companies — the aim is to develop sustainable solutions for tourism services.
One business MOTION is working with is a non-profit enterprise. We use this NGO’s taxi services when we need to travel inside the city.

Since MOTION is striving towards sustainable tourism and developing sustainable services, the cooperation with Spoleczna meets on of the aims during the intensive week.
The characteristic vehicles with the inscription “Social Taxi” have been running on the streets of Toruń for some time. The company mainly offers social transport for seniors, people with disabilities, large families and children. A taxi employee will not only take his client to the indicated place, but also can help him go down the stairs or get into the car. The owners of the Social Taxi explain that the rides are not free, but all their social services are available on a co-payment basis. This means that the user covers an amount equal to or lower than the cost of travel – including fuel, employee salary. Co-payment and eligibility depend on the programs they run, according to the owners. Contrary to the typical taxi “Social Taxi” corporation, all the surplus is donated to social causes. Interestingly, the owners try to hire people who are disadvantaged in the labor market.